Chiffon and Tulle Hair Clips

My good friend, Kim, is getting married in a couple weeks in California, and I’ve been a pretty useless bridesmaid being 1,300 miles away. Good thing—she gave me a few assignments last week so that I wouldn’t feel like such a bum.

First up are hair clips for the bridesmaids.

I adore fabric flowers as I previously posted so this was a great opportunity to try them out. Kim’s future sister-in-law (aka La Pham Nikita) ordered her this custom-made fascinator from Milli Starr for the reception:

It’s simple and classy so I thought little pink chiffon and tulle rose clips would go well. I used Martha Stewart’s directions.

Materials (5 clips):

  • 1/2 yard pink chiffon
  • 1/2 yard pink tulle
  • Light pink thread
  • Pink felt
  • 5 hair clips


  • Sewing scissors
  • Sewing needle
  • Garden rose template
  • Flat pins
  • Hot glue gun

I chose the small garden rose template from Martha Stewart, reduced it by about 1/4 inch, and copied it 8 times on a sheet of paper. Pin each template onto a stack of fabric (I used a stack of 6 chiffon or 8 tulle per template) and cut out using sharp sewing scissors. I found that if I pinned down each petal, it made cutting a little easier.

Stagger layers of chiffon and tulle petals. My flowers were small so I went with 5 chiffon and 4 tulle layers. Sew the layers together through the center. Fold in half and then in quarters. Fluff the flower and sew the pinch when you like how it looks. (I initially tried to sew a pearl in the middle, but it made the folding step difficult.)

Cut out 5 small felt circles and sew one to the back of each flower. Hot glue each flower to a hair clip. And poof, you’re done!

These turned out pretty cute and only cost about $1 each to make. It was mainly cutting the fabric that was annoying and time consuming.

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1 Response to Chiffon and Tulle Hair Clips

  1. Nellie says:

    beautiful job Lady! I bet you could totally use those for shoe clips too!

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